Actian Technical Updates
Actian Technical Update - Actian Ingres product roadmap.
This Actian technical update was recorded 11th January 2021 and includes the product roadmap for Actian Ingres, a customer use case discussion with the Irish Revenue Commissioners and Q&A with our SVP of Engineering - Emma McGrattan.
35 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product
Actian Technical Update - OpenROAD
This Actian technical update was recorded 1st February 2021 and includes the product roadmap for Actian OpenROAD.
56 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OneDB Explore System Settings
OneDB Explore is a modern web console for visualizing, monitoring, and managing your OneDB server instances. During this video we provide guidance for the 'System Settings' which can be configured via the web console to include alert notifications, data cleanup, report definitions, sensor and user management.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix explore
How to use the 'ifxclone' utility to add new HDR/RSS Servers to an existing OneDB or HCL Informix server.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the 'ifxclone' utility to add new HDR/RSS servers or nodes to an existing OneDB or HCL Informix server.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Vector Database Administrator Associate Certification Exam
Take this exam to achieve the Associate level of certification for the latest version of the Actian Vector Database
121 min
Vector Database Administrator Professional Certification Exam
Take this exam to achieve the Professional level of certification for the latest version of the Actian Vector Database
121 min
Using the 'onstat' utility to monitor memory in a OneDB / HCL Informix database
During this video we will how to use the 'onstat' utility to monitor memory utilization.
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Application Modernization - Part 4 - Menus, Buttons and Tabbing Sequences
In this course we will provide you with guidance for adding menu bar options, form buttons, a discussion about tabbing sequences and a look at how 'Exit' events can be utilised to good effect.
7 min
Intermediate Developer Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Application Modernization - Part 6: Migrating embedded 'thick client' business logic to OpenROAD Server deployed 4GL Procedures
During this course we discuss and demonstrate strategies which you will need to consider employing when migrating embedded 'thick client' business logic into OpenROAD Server compliant 4GL Procedures.
91 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Learning Path OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Actian Platform Warehouse: Data Manipulation v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore best practices for updating data within Platform Warehouse tables, optimizing query performance with statistics, and leveraging inbuilt query execution plans to ensure efficient queries.
112 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Administration Google Cloud Platform
Connect your Platform Warehouse to your Google Cloud Store
Connecting your Google Cloud Store Data to a Platform Warehouse is very simple and provides you with access to the Google Cloud Store Data via the Platform Warehouse in a few simple steps. This training provides the guidance required to make that connection.
7 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage Google Cloud Platform
Connect your Platform Warehouse to your Microsoft Azure Datastore.
Connecting your Microsoft Azure Datastore to a Platform Warehouse is very simple and provides you with access to your Microsoft Azure Datastore Data via the Platform Warehouse in a few simple steps. This training provides the guidance required to make that connection.
9 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Scheduling Configuration Execution using a CRON Expression
You can schedule Data Integration Configurations using a CRON Expression. Follow this guide to understand how to utilize CRON expressions for scheduling the execution of Configurations.
3 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Install Actian DataConnect Studio for Windows
Follow this guide to understand how to install the Actian DataConnect Studio IDE on your desktop. This IDE is designed for developing integration packages, which can be deployed into Actian Data Platform to populate selected Platform warehouses according to your needs.
2 min
Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform Data Integration
Actian Data Platform: Native Data Ingestion v2.0 (self-paced)
Actian Data Platform provides - out of the box - native data ingestion functionality to facilitate the ease of loading data into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse(s). Features include the desktop data loader for ad hoc data loading from a local computer and Actian Data Platform Connect for continuous data integration from disparate sources. All functionality is accessible via the Actian Data Platform Console
59 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Data Ingestion Google Cloud Platform
Unload Data from your Platform Warehouse to your AWS S3 Coud Store
Being able to seamlessly connect your AWS S3 Cloud Store to your Platform Warehouse is a great feature to allow you to not only read data in but also write data out to your Cloud Store. This training focuses on setting up your Platform Warehouse for writing data out to your Cloud Store.
7 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage AWS S3
Data Integration: Jobs
Follow this guide to learn how to schedule, configure and review Data Integration Jobs
3 min
Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform Data Integration
Load Local Files
Loading data into the Platform is a key requirement. Actian provides numerous high performing methods for loading data into the Platform. The training provided here focuses on the 'Load Local Files' feature and guides you through the process of loading the contents of locally source data files into a Platform Warehouse.
5 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Application Template - NetSuite to the Platform Warehouse on GCP
Explore the Data Integration Templates feature to efficiently transfer data from the NetSuite application to an Avalanche Data Warehouse hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.
3 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Actian X, Ingres & OpenROAD Roadmap
In this session Alex will provide a detailed review of the feature additions and enhancements planned for the new releases of Actian X, Ingres and OpenROAD that will take your applications to the next level. See how the synchronised 11.2 release schedule will allow you to modernise your applications, migrate to lower maintenance compute platforms, and improve security, collectively delivering unparalleled insights and an edge over the competition.
24 min
Connecting your JMP software to your Platform Warehouse
JMP Statistical Software is a major player in the Data analytics world and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your JMP software and demonstrate how to verify that the connection is good to go.
2 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
High Availability Data Replication (HADR): How to set up a Shared Disk Secondary (SDS) Server .
A shared-disk (SD) secondary server participates in high-availability cluster configurations. In such configurations, the primary server and the SD secondary server share the same disk or disk array. During this video we describe and demonstrate the process for adding an SDS to your cluster.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix brand_informix HADR HCL Informix 14.1
How to: Install Zen Edge Server on the Raspberry Pi OS
In this course we provide you with a step by step guide for installing Zen Edge Server on to the Raspberry Pi OS
3 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Edge
How to: Install Zen Edge on to a Raspberry Pi Windows IoT Core device
In this course you will learn how to install Zen Edge on to a Raspberry Pi which has the Windows IoT core OS already installed.
5 min
Zen Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Edge
Actian Data Platform Warehouse Administrator Associate Certification Exam
Take this exam to achieve the Associate level of certification for managing Actian Data Platform Warehouse(s)
120 min
Actian Data Platform Warehouse Administrator Certification Study Guide
Actian Certification is the ultimate benchmark that recognizes the skills, expertise and real-world know-how of today. Are you an administrator who keeps corporate mission critical Actian Cloud Data Platform Warehouses running smoothly? Whatever your role, achieving your goals starts with becoming Actian certified.​
Actian Ingres 12.0 New and Updated Features
Many new features and functionality upgrades have been provided with the release of Actian Ingres 12.0. During this course you will learn about each of the new or updated features to ensure that you continue to extract the very best from these flagship database products.
265 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Operational Database Product Data Science Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect Actian Ingres 12.0
How to connect MS Access to a Zen database
Sometimes a need arises whereby you want to use your favourite third party tool to analyse the data stored within your corporate Zen Database. In this video we provide you with step by step instructions for connecting an MS-Access client to your Zen Database.
7 min
Zen Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Application Modernization - Part 2 - Source code and Form to Frame transitions for Vision Menu Forms
During this second part of the series you will be provided with guidance in relation to speed key definitions, ABF menu forms to interactive OpenROAD frames, creation of top level menus and how to connect events raised via the menu options into the existing ABF source code.
18 min
Developer Self-Learning Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Application Modernization: Example OpenROAD applications
The OpenROAD applications which have been generated as a result of an ABF to OpenROAD Application to OpenROAD Server Application are provided here.
1 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Adding a remote server into Explore, configuring the SSL connectivity and adding the Explore agent
When setting up the remote monitoring of a Server the connectivity between the monitor and the Server must be secure. During this video we provide the guidance required to add the SSL configuration to a Server, add the Server into Explore and finally guidance is provided for adding the Explore agent to the remote server in order to manage the connectivity between server and monitor..
17 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix brand_informix onspaces
Application Modernization: Example ABF application and supporting database
During this course we will provide you with information in relation to the example ABF application for which we have used throughout the Application Modernization Content.
13 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database
Application Modernization - Part 1 - The ABF to OpenROAD Migration
This is the first part in our series describing a supported and best practice process for migrating a complex ABF application to an OpenROAD application. During this course you will be provided with a review of the sample ABF application and guidance for implementing the ABF2OR migration tool
14 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Application Modernization - Part 3 - Styling the migrated ABF Form using OpenROAD Features and Functionality
During this third part of the series you will be provided with guidance in relation to the use of composite fields, alignment attributes and margin attributes to structure and refine the migrated ABF Form user interface using OpenROAD features and functionality.
13 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Learning Path Advanced OpenROAD Product
Using the 'onstat' utility to monitor disk usage and performance.
During this training we demonstrate how to use the 'onstat' utility to monitor the performance of disk utilisation for a OneDB server.
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
How to implement the OneDB External Table feature for migrating data
During this training we demonstrate how to use the External Table feature. You can use the External Table to load and unload data to or from your database. You can also use external tables to query data in text files which are not in the OneDB databases.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Using OnBar to backup OneDB storage spaces (dbspaces) and logical files.
Learn to use OnBar for backing up OneDB storage spaces and logical files with step-by-step guidance and best practices for System or Database Administrators.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix brand_onedb onbar
Monitoring OneDB Memory utilisation using the 'onstat' utility.
Understanding how your OneDB Installation utilises memory is critical knowledge that an experienced DBA will want to be aware of. The content within this video describes how to make use of the 'onstat' utility to monitor how memory is being utilised within a OneDB Installation. Use this insight to proactively avoid potential system outages or system performance degradation.
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix onstat
OpenROAD - Application Development and Maintenance (self-paced)
OpenROAD is a high-productivity low-maintenance 4GL-based object-oriented application-development tool for creating business applications of any type and complexity. It is well-established, with thousands of deployments worldwide.
12 hr 29 min
Beginner Developer Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Transaction Isolation Model
In this course we provide insight into the Transaction Isolation model provided within the Actian Vector based products including Vector and an Actian Data Platform Warehouse.
11 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform Vector 6.0
Managing Vector Installations and Databases (self-paced)
This course is aimed at delegates who will be responsible for managing Vector instances and databases under Linux or Windows.
10 hr 47 min
Learning Path Product Vector 6.0
Actian Data Platform Integration V2: Agents
During this video we guide you through downloading, installing, registering, using and deregistering and removing an Actian Integration Agent.
11 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Files
Refer to this guide for a step-by-step tutorial on uploading files into Actian Data Platform to the Files page and linking these files with a Data Integration Configuration or Template.
6 min
Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform Data Integration
Data Integration: Integration Listeners
This course provides you with the knowledge required to create an Integration Listener to remotely execute an Actian Data Platform integration configuration. An Integration Listener serves as an API endpoint linked to an existing Integration configuration, allowing the remote execution of the associated configuration through the API endpoint.
4 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Simple Mapper
Data integrations enable the transformation and migration of data by visually mapping fields between a defined data source and a target Platform warehouse. Follow this guide to gain an understanding of how to use the Data Integration Simple Mapper functionality.
16 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Connecting your Alteryx software to your Platform Warehouse
Alteryx is a major player in the Data analytics world and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your Alteryx software and demonstrate how to verify that the connection is good to go.
4 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Integration V2: Loading the contents from a file in Google Cloud Store into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse
During this video we guide you through creating an integration on the Actian Data Platform which connects to a data file on Google Cloud Store before loading the contents of the file into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse.
6 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
How To: Load Data from Cloud Storage into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse using the COPY VWLOAD Command
This course provides you with the steps required to load delimited data files from your cloud storage into an Actian Data Platform warehouse using the COPY VWLOAD command.
15 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Data Ingestion
Data Integration: Macros
Macros are placeholders you create for values that are typically used during design and runtime, such as target paths, and credentials to access databases. This training provides you with the information required to create, populate and amend Macros for use within integration configurations.
6 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Configuration Creation
The task of integrating data into your Platform Warehouse must be efficient and convenient for it to be valuable to you. Actian Data Platform comes complete with 200+ data connectors right out of the box which provides you with a wide range of connectors to many data sources. Take this training to discover how to create a data integration configuration.
5 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product Google Cloud Platform Data Integration
Connecting your SQuirreL SQL software to your Platform Warehouse
SQuirreL SQL is a major player in the SQL utility space and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your SQuirreL SQL software and demonstrates how to verify that the connection is good to go.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Platform Query Editor
The Platform Query Editor is a browser based SQL query editor which facilitates the creating and executing of your SQL commands against the data stored in your Platform Warehouse.
7 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Connect your Platform Warehouse to your AWS S3 Storage.
Connecting your AWS S3 Storage to a Platform Warehouse is very simple and provides you with access to the AWS S3 Storage Data via the Platform Warehouse in a few simple steps. This training provides the guidance required to make that connection.
6 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage Google Cloud Platform
Connect your DbVisualizer software to your Platform Warehouse
DbVisualizer is a major player in the DB Visualisation and SQL utility space and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your DbVisualizer software and demonstrate how to verify that the connection is good to go.
3 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Integration V2: Modify an existing Google Cloud Store Connection
During this video we guide you through modifying an existing connection to your Google Cloud Store.
2 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Connect Actian DataConnect to a Platform Warehouse using the Actian JDBC Data Driver.
Being able to hook up Actian DataConnect to a Platform Warehouse is an obvious and necessary connection to be made. Take this training to learn how to connect these two best in class products together using the Actian JDBC Data Driver.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Security v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore the robust native data security solutions offered by the Platform Warehouse, customized to meet your organization's needs. This course covers user management, table data access control, data masking, and data-at-rest encryption.
70 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Administration
Actian Data Platform: Data Scientist Learning Path
The Data Scientist Learning Path has been provided to guide you through the functionality which is provided within the Actian Data Platform to assist a new or seasoned Data Scientist to accomplish the data processing aspects of their role as efficiently as possible.
4 Courses
Intermediate Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Analytics Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Data Integration: Agents
Agents enable remote execution management of on-premise jobs and related collateral. They enable secure cloud-to-on-premises communication without special firewall rules or VPN requirements. Take this training to gain an understanding for an Agent is defined within the Actian Data Platform.
4 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Scheduling Platform Warehouse Events
This course equips you with the necessary knowledge to create scheduled events on your Platform Warehouse, enabling you to execute specific actions at predefined intervals, such as starting, stopping, or scaling a warehouse. Additionally, the course covers the procedures for editing and removing scheduled events.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Workload Management - Phase 1
Take this course to understand how Workload Management - Phase 1 - has been implemented for the Actian Ingres, Vector and Actian Data Platform database products
4 min
Vector Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Advanced Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Actian Data Platform: Administrator Learning Path
A Platform as comprehensive as the Actian Data Platform will require an Administrator to manage your organisations Platform assets. The training provided during this Learning Path provides the Administrator with the knowledge required to manage the Platform with best practice.
7 Courses
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Administration Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Actian Data Platform Functionality Overview
Follow this guide to explore the essential concepts and capabilities of data integration options available through the Platform warehouse dashboard.
6 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product Getting Started AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform Data Integration
Data Integration: Job Log Overview
Jobs are reports about the run results of the configurations you execute. Follow this guide to gain an understanding of how to access and navigate the log file output generated during the execution of a Data Integration Configuration against a Platform Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform.
3 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Data Preparation
The training provided within this course provides you with knowledge for the various native Platform capabilities to ingest, clean and transform data and access it all in a single data platform.
158 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
User Defined Functions: Containerized and non-containerized deployment, process control/cancellation, log message output and importing libraries/modules
During this video we provide guidance and a demonstration of how to make use of new UDF functionality introduced with the release of Vector 6.2.
17 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Product Data Scientist Vector 6.2
Efficiently Moving Large Tables to a Different Database using the SQL command 'Create Table As Select' (CTAS)
Using the Actian Ingres Star product can provide you with a very efficient way to move tables between databases which may be on different versions of OS, versions of Database Software and in different geographical locations! Find out more from watching this video.
9 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product
LISTAGG Aggregation Functionality
During this video we provide guidance and a demonstration of how to make use of the LISTAGG aggregation function introduced with the release of Vector 6.2
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Data Scientist Vector 6.2
Command Line SQL/iSQL tools (Linux)
Take this course to understand how the command line tools SQL and iSQL operate within a Linux environment.
7 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Using the 'oncheck' utility to verify the integrity of a table data.
In this training session, we illustrate the utilization of the 'oncheck' command line utility to verify the integrity of data within a table, ensuring that no data inconsistencies have occurred. If any irregularities are detected, they must be rectified using either the oncheck utility's provided mechanisms or through a manual process.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Identify, manage and monitor long transactions in a OneDB / HCL Informix database
During this video we will explain what a long transaction is and how to identify and monitor long transactions using the 'onstat' command.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Unload Data from your Platform Warehouse to your Google Cloud Store
Being able to seamlessly connect your Google Cloud Store to your Platform Warehouse is a great feature to allow you to not only read data in but also write data out to your Cloud Store. This training focuses on setting up your Platform Warehouse for writing data out to your Cloud Store.
7 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage Google Cloud Platform
Unload Data from your Platform Warehouse to your Microsoft Azure Cloud Store
Being able to seamlessly connect your Microsoft Azure Cloud Store to your Platform Warehouse is a great feature to allow you to not only read data in but also write data out to your Cloud Store. This training focuses on setting up your Platform Warehouse for writing data out to your Cloud Store.
9 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Cloud Data Storage Microsoft Azure
Fritz and Friends Podcast
Fritz and Friends Podcast: What's Zen Edge Data Management and What's it Used For? Extracted from a 90-minute deep dive discussion between Jeff Fritz and Tom Bates from Actian.
56 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Podcast
Configuration and administration of the Primary Storage Manager (PSM).
During this video we demonstrate how to configure and administer the Primary Storage Manager (PSM) for OneDB and HCL Informix.
11 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
On-premises Installation of OneDB Server with the OneDB Binary
During this video we provide a demonstration on how to install the OneDB Server on-prem with the OneDB Binary.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Actian OpenROAD Server - Getting Started
4 Courses
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product Getting Started
Introduction to Actian SQL (self-paced)
This course provides a tour of the principal Actian database features along with insight into best practice use of the Actian SQL language.
253 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Learning Path Actian Data Platform Getting Started
Vector 6.2 and Vector 6.3 Delta/New Features
Many new features and functionality upgrades have been provided with the releases of Vector 6.2 and 6.3. In this course we bring together the learning content for each new or upgraded piece of functionality together with a short quiz to help reinforce the information provided.
168 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect Vector 6.3 Vector 6.2
Actian Data Platform: CLI Data Ingestion v2.0 (self-paced)
In addition to offering rich browser-based native data ingestion capabilities, Actian Data Platform includes functionality executed through the command line to facilitate batch data loading. This course comprehensively explores the various functionalities at your disposal for loading data into a Platform Warehouse using command line operations.
110 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Data Ingestion Google Cloud Platform
High Availability Data Replication Cluster monitoring using the 'onstat' utility.
In this video we demonstrate the set of parameters which can be supplied into the 'onstat' utility in order to monitor the whole cluster, the individual primary server node and any of the individual secondary servers which are included in the cluster.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Using onbar or the archecker utility to validate backup files.
During this video the 'onbar' and 'archecker' commands are demonstrated to verify that backup files are valid and, if needed, available for a restore task.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Using OnBar to restore OneDB storage spaces (dbspaces) and logical files from a backup
Learn to use OnBar for restoring OneDB storage spaces and logical files with step-by-step guidance and best practices for System or Database Administrators.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix brand_onedb onbar
Modifying Onconfig parameters for a OneDB / Informix Database Instance
During this video we describe the modification scope (Static vs Dynamic) for Onconfig parameters.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
How to implement OneDB / HCL Informix Database External Backup and Restore functionality
During this video we provide a demonstration for how to implement the OneDB / HCL Informix External Backup and Restore functionality.
8 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
How to use the DBAccess Utility against a OneDB / HCL Informix Database Servers
During video we demonstrate how to use the DBAccess utility to access, modify, and retrieve information from OneDB / HCL Informix Database Servers.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Install the Platform ODBC Data Driver for Linux
Connecting your favourite data access utilities to the Platform is a key requirement. The training provided here will guide you through how to download the Platform ODBC Data Driver for Linux and demonstrate how to connect to a Platform Warehouse.
4 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity Google Cloud Platform
Using the OnParams utility to modify the configuration of both logical and physical logs.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the OnParams utility to relocate both the physical and logical logs into separate dbspaces.
8 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Restoring a OneDB / HCL Informix database from backup files using the OnTape utility
During this video we demonstrate how to use the OnTape utility to restore a OneDB / HCL Informix database from backup files.
8 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Extending Avalanche with UDF’s to Enable ML Model Management and Other Advanced Analytics Use Cases
User Defined Functions, or UDFs help extend built in functionality for SQL-based data analytics systems used by business analysts, engineers, and scientists. With Avalanche and Vector, these power users can further take advantage of UDF’s by deploying ML models into their database, enabling the models and associated data to be scored directly from within the database. Join this session to hear a discussion and simple examples of model management using an Iris Dataset and Logistic Regression.
30 min
Using the OnSpaces utility for OneDB and HCL Informix to create dbspaces and chunks.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the OnSpaces utility to create 'dbspaces' and chunks' for a OneDB and HCL Informix Database Instance.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Perform a table level restore using the OneDB and HCL Informix Archecker utility.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the Archecker utility to perform a table level restore.
13 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Setting up a dashboard in OneDB Explore to monitor the health of the connected OneDB Servers.
During this training we demonstrate how to setup up a monitoring dashboard in OneDB Explore in order to monitor the health of the connected OneDB Servers. A comprehensive list of sensors can be selected from and added to the dashboard as your use case requires. Add multiple panels to monitor numerous sensors for the connected OneDB Servers.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix explore
Extending UDF Accessibility
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new feature for extending the accessibility to UDFs, created by the DBA, introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
4 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Product Data Scientist Vector 6.3
Delivering on the Vision
Emma McGrattan, SVP, Actian Engineering describes the Actian product direction for 2021
19 min
Onstat Utility – important onstats for day-to-day usage
Onstat is vital command for any DBA to master and provides numerous views into the inner workings of the OneDB database server
15 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Actian Vector Certification Study Guide
Actian Certification is the ultimate benchmark that recognizes the skills, expertise and real-world know-how of today’s Actian product specialists. Are you a database administrator who keeps the corporate mission critical Actian Vector Database running smoothly? Whatever your role, achieving your goals starts with becoming Actian certified.​
Actian Vector + Google Marketing Platform + Tensorflow = A Marketing Technology Hero
Are you a technologist trying to help your marketing and e-commerce teams or on the business side trying to understand the technology? In this session, you’ll learn how combining google marketing data and 1st party transactional data into a Vector database will accelerate your marketing intelligence
21 min
Introduction to the Actian DataConnect Studio
Actian DataConnect is the digital business platform for hybrid data integration, transformation, and management. In this course we provide you with an introduction to the key functionality found within Actian DataConnect Studio IDE.
87 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
High Availability Data Replication (HADR): Managing Failover Scenarios
Managing failover scenarios involves ensuring continuous system availability by automatically switching to a backup system or component when the primary system fails. Effective failover management minimizes downtime and maintains service continuity, ensuring business operations remain unaffected by unexpected system failures. HCL Informix provides robust and comprehensive functionality to manage failover scenarios. In this video we consider a sample of the most common failover scenarios.
8 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix explore brand_informix HADR
DataConnect Platform Overview (self-paced)
This course will give an overview of the DataConnect Platform including the Design Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Integration Manager, and walkthrough of an end-to-end Design, Deploy, and Manage exercise with no experience necessary.
32 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Product
How to use the 'oncheck' utility to check the consistency of the root reserved pages within an existing OneDB or HCL Informix server.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the 'oncheck' utility to ensure the consistency of the root reserved pages is as expected within an existing OneDB or HCL Informix server.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
DataConnect Core Exercises (self-paced)
The DataConnect Core Exercises course will supply the user with detailed examples that use core components and mapping techniques of the Map Editor, Process Workflow Editor, and Integration Manager. The exercises are task-based which illustrate a variety of techniques applicable to the majority of integration scenarios you may encounter.
306 min
Beginner Developer Self-Learning DataConnect Product
Taking a OneDB / HCL Informix Database backup using the OnTape utility.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the OnTape utility to perform full and incremental server backups and Manual and Continuous Logical Log Backups.
11 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Actian DataConnect v12: Major Updates and Changes
Actian DataConnect v12 is now generally available and during this course we aim to provide you with a brief summary of the changes implemented in Actian DataConnect v12.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
Essential Environment Variables required within a OneDB / HCL Informix Database Installation.
During this video we spotlight the essential OneDB / HCL Informix Environment Variables required for starting, running, connecting to and monitoring the database installation.
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
How to move the OneDB / HCL Informix SysAdmin database to an alternative DBSpace
During this video we provide a demonstration for how to move the OneDB / HCL Informix SysAdmin Database to an alternative DBSpace.
3 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
OneDB server operating modes and how to start OneDB Server in a particular operating mode
During this video will discuss the various operating modes available for OneDB server and how to start OneDB server in a particular mode using the OnInit utility
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
UDF Engine Startup
During this video we explain the revised method for when and how the UDF engine is started which has been introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
4 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Product Vector 6.3
Using the 'oncheck' utility to check the consistency of data and index pages for a table.
During this training we demonstrate how to use the 'oncheck' command line utility to to ensure that the data and index pages for a table are consistent. Any inconsistencies found must be repaired either via the mechanisms offered by the oncheck utility or via a manual process.
8 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Kapost for Partners
Kapost for Partners
Using the 'oncheck' utility to verify the integrity of a table index.
In this training session, we illustrate the utilization of the 'oncheck' command line utility to verify the integrity of a table index, ensuring that no inconsistencies have occurred. If any irregularities are detected, they must be rectified using either the oncheck utility's provided mechanisms or through a manual process.
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix oncheck
Connecting Tableau Desktop Client to your Platform Warehouse
Learn how to connect Tableau Desktop to your Actian Data Platform Warehouse and access corporate data for analysis and reporting.
4 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Application Modernization with ABF and OpenROAD, What’s New?
Planning to move your applications to a cloud environment but unsure of what it will take with OpenROAD to do this with the least risk and investment of time and resources? In this session Chris Clark, lead engineer for OpenROAD at Actian provides an overview of the options, process, tools, and new features in OpenROAD that make it easier to reuse ABF business logic in OpenROAD in both existing on-premises and the latest cloud environments.
27 min
OpenROAD WebGen 101
Need to extend business services to employees, partners, and customers on mobile and other edge environments without risk or undue porting pains? Join this session for a hands-on introduction with Don Criley, OpenROAD Architect, on using WebGen in OpenROAD 11.2. WebGen is a new tool that allows 4GL applications to be deployed to the web. With WebGen, 4GL developers can deploy web/mobile applications that extend existing business services to the Edge.
28 min
Application Modernization with ABF and OpenROAD, Exploiting New Ideas and New Product Features
Harnessing the value in tried and tested, reliable business logic is a low risk, cost effective and incremental approach that can balance budgetary constraints and innovation goals simultaneously. In this session Nick Denning, CEO for Diegesis will explore the options facing organizations with millions of lines of ABF and OpenROAD code who wish to modernize their applications while “sweating the asset”.
31 min
High Availability Data Replication (HADR): Server Role Management within a Cluster.
For numerous operational or perhaps maintenance reasons the roles of the servers within a cluster environment might need to be altered within a HCL Informix cluster. During this video we provide you with the best practice advice and guidance you need to switch a node(s) in a cluster from one role to another.
8 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix brand_informix HADR HCL Informix 14.1
Level 100 - Databases Actian X / Ingres - Novice
Take this exam to achieve the Level 100 Databases Actian X / Ingres Novice Certification
120 min
Beginner Developer Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect
Bring Your Own Actian Licenses (BYOL) into a VM Instance with a single or multiple NICs deployed via AWS
Understand how Actian Licensing is implemented in the context of VM Instances deployed via AWS.
18 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres NoSQL Product
High Availability Data Replication (HADR) Cluster Configurations.
In this video we provide information for the different configurations available to accommodate the need for a High Availability Data Replication solution. It goes without saying that ensuring business continuity and data security are highly desirable outcomes for OneDB customers with mission critical production database environments.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
What is new in Actian Ingres 11.1
During this video you will gain an understanding of the new functionality or functionality changes available within Actian Ingres 11.1
31 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product
Bring Your Own Actian Licenses (BYOL) into a VM Instance with a single or multiple NICs deployed via Microsoft Azure
Understand how Actian Licensing is implemented in the context of VM Instances deployed via Microsoft Azure.
20 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres OpenROAD NoSQL Product
Actian Zen Control Center : Import/Export Database Schema
In this course you will learn how to use Zen Control Center to both import and export
8 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Administration Zen Control Center
How to use the Zen Function Executor and Debugging Options via the Zen Control Center.
During this video we demonstrate how to use Function Executor to debug ZEN related application issues
9 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center: Connecting Microsoft Power BI to an Actian Zen Database using ODBC
This video will demonstrate how to connect Microsoft Power BI to an Actian Zen Database using ODBC.
2 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center : Create a new database
In this lesson you will learn how to create a new database via the Zen Control Center interface.
5 min
Zen Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Learning Path Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center: Create 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC DSN records
In this video you will learn how to create Zen 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC DSN records
6 min
Zen Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center : Query a Database Table
In this lesson you will learn how to query a database table via the Zen Control Center interface.
4 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Control Center
How to use the Zen Tools and Debug requesters to investigate application Issues.
During this video we demonstrate how to use the Zen tools and debug requesters to debug certain application issues such as connectivity issues, errors opening Btrieve files and problems at startup etc.
6 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center: Building Actian Zen database tables from data files using DDFBuilder
This video will demonstrate how to build tables for existing data files using DDFBuilder. Some metadata information is available in the data file itself, but much of the column layout information is not. DDFBuilder will use this available information and allow you to analyze the data to best determine the data structure within the file..
8 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center : Securing the Zen Database
In this lesson you will learn how to secure the Zen database via the Zen Control Center interface.
8 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center: Configure a Zen Server
In this lesson we demonstrate how to configure a Zen Server with the Actian Zen Control Center
7 min
Zen Beginner Administrator Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Configure the Actian Zen Backup Agent for Windows
In this lesson you are guided through the process of configuring the Actian Zen Backup Agent to facilitate backing up Actian Zen datafiles with your own datafile backup solution for a Windows environment.
3 min
Zen Beginner Administrator Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
How to migrate the Zen Metadata from Version 1 to Version 2 using Zen v15.
Demonstrated during this video will be the support best practice guide for migrating the Zen Metadata from V1 to V2 using Zen v15.
10 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
How to use the Zen Database Triggers both via SQL and the Btrieve Explorer
This video demonstrates how Actian Zen Database ‘triggers’ are implemented and executed as a result of an event occurring, such as a data insert or update event, performed against a nominated table or view. Additionally, we demonstrate that using the Btrieve Function Executor to modify data directly within the file will still cause any associated database triggers to execute and capture the change details.
9 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center Zen 16.0
Advanced Actian SQL (self-paced)
This course builds on the 'Elementary Actian SQL' course and introduces more advanced features available within the Avalanche, Vector or Actian X products. The course provides a comprehensive enough level of information and demonstrations to provide you with the knowledge to implement these features within your own database environments.
123 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect
Bring Your Own Actian Licenses (BYOL) into a VM Instance with a single or multiple NICs deployed via Google Cloud Platform
Understand how Actian Licensing is implemented in the context of VM Instances deployed via Google Cloud Platform.
24 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced OpenROAD NoSQL Product
Actian X and Ingres on Docker, Containerization and Beyond
Ingres as an OLTP engine is tried and true. What’s changed over the years has been its continued ability to evolve and adopt the latest in underlying server architecture. The next wave of evolution is here. Join this session to hear how automated deployment of Actian X and Ingres in the Cloud or On-Premise using Docker, Kubernetes and Helm achieve consistent, isolated environments with cost effective, rapid and iterative deployments, thereby reducing operational overhead.
27 min
User Defined Functions
This video guides you through the UDF functionality which has been provided in the versions of Actian database software listed in the video.
6 min
Vector Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform Vector 6.0
Managing Actian Ingres Installations and Databases (self-paced)
This course provides insight into all aspects of planning, installation, configuration, and day to day running of the Actian Ingres installation. It also covers all aspects of database administration including: managing database objects such as tables, indexes, applications etc.; data integrity; security; backup and recovery; table maintenance and optimization.
14 hr 32 min
Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product
Pivot Table
This video guides provides you with guidance for implementing the Pivot Table functionality now available within the Actian database products mentioned below.
5 min
Vector Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Analytics Vector 6.0
What is new in Actian Ingres 11.2
In this course we spotlight the new functionality which has been added into Actian Ingres 11.2
40 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Operational Database Product
SQL Conversion Functions
This video provides you with insight into the SQL Conversion functions available for Actian Databases.
7 min
Vector Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Analytics Vector 6.0
Introduction to the Actian Product and Actian SQL (self-paced)
This course provides a tour of the principal Actian database features along with insight into best practice use of the Actian SQL language.
283 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product
Actian DBA Tools
In this short how to video we demonstrate how to install the Actian DBA Toolset.
2 min
Vector Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Command Line SQL/iSQL tools (Windows)
Take this course to understand how the command line tools SQL and iSQL operate within a Windows environment.
7 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Bulk and Batch Data Loading Operations Explained
During this course we provide explanation and demonstration for the actions of either Bulk or Batch loading of data into an Actian Vector Database or Actian Data Platform Warehouse
17 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Product Data Ingestion Vector 6.0
Data Encryption and Data Masking
For the Actian Database products, Actian Ingres, Actian Vector and Actian Data Platform, data can be encrypted at the database level, column level and data can also be masked. In this video we introduce each method.
16 min
Vector Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Operational Database Product Administration Vector 6.0
Configuring AES Encryption Networking
This course provides an overview of Secure Communication Encryption with AES. It also shows how to configure AES Encryption Networking.​
8 min
Vector Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Advanced Operational Database Product Connectivity Vector 6.0
Actian Client Runtime - Download, Install and create ODBC DSN for Windows
This short video will demonstrate how to Download, install and configure Actian client runtime setup on Windows platform. Additionally the video demonstrates how to create an ODBC DSN for use with third party applications.
3 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Analytical Functions for Standard Deviation and Variance
In this short how-to video we provide you with guidance for using our inbuilt Standard Deviation and Variance database functions.
4 min
Vector Intermediate Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Product Analytics Google Cloud Platform Vector 6.0
How to implement the Actian JSON functionality
A brief overview of how to implement the Actian JSON functionality.
13 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Product Vector 6.0
Database Encryption Key Management via SQL Commands
During this course we provide guidance for how to use the newly added SQL functionality for maintaining encryption key settings at either the table or database level via newly added SQL command functionality.
3 min
Vector Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.0
Actian Data Platform: Data Quality
During this course we provide all that you need to know for getting started with the Actian Data Platform Data Quality functionality. Data Quality ensures the data going into your production system data stores is accurate, complete and able to support the decisions and actions you need to take. At Actian we know and understand this and bring to you best in class Data Quality functionality which when implemented ensures that you are always basing decisions on the best quality of data.
Beginner Developer Enterprise Data Integration Product Data Ingestion Data Engineer Data Profile Data Quality brand_adp_dq
Case Management - Create Cases
Problem solving process to help customers achieve desired/ expected results.
Ideas - Product Feature Requests
Submit your feedback and request features that you would want to see in Actian Products
Actian Data Platform: Schema Design v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore Data Organization. Learn how data is stored in tables and how to create, partition, define column data types, and implement constraints within a user's schema.
70 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Warehouse : Table Partitioning
Follow this guide to gain an elementary understanding of Table Partitioning and how to implement Table Partitioning.
3 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Connect Actian DataConnect to a Platform Warehouse using ODBC
Gain insight into the necessary procedures for establishing a connection between Actian DataConnect and a Platform Warehouse.
5 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Loading data from a Cloud Data Store into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse using an External Table
This series of short how to training videos provide step by step instructions for loading data from an Amazon S3 bucket, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Store into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse using an the 'External Table' feature.
19 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Data Ingestion Google Cloud Platform
Data Integration: Templates - Delimited Data file from a GCP bucket into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse on GCP
Follow this guide to comprehend how to leverage the Data Integration Templates functionality. Templates contain integration settings that can be reused by linked configurations. This guide will walk you through using these templates to move data content from a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) data file into a Platform Warehouse provisioned on the Google Cloud Platform.
4 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Warehouse : Data Integrity Constraints
Follow this guide to gain an elementary understanding of how to implement Data Integrity Constraints within a Platform Warehouse.
5 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Assistant
To provide assistance, should it be required, we have developed the Platform Assistant which is readily available from the Platform Home Page. This training provides you with guidance for how to engage with the Platform Assistant.
4 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform Integration V2: Create a Google Cloud Store Connection
During this video we guide you through creating an a connection to your Google Cloud Store. The connection can then be implemented as part of a Data Integration Job.
2 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
The Future of Cloud Data Platforms
Take a look at where Data Warehousing began through to where it is today and how Actian now provides the Actian Data Platform.
10 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Using Google Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication to connect to connect to the Platform
To facilitate ease of connection, but not compromising on security, the Platform allows for Single Sign-On authentication using Google SSO authentication. The training provided here guides you through the process of using SSO security to connect favourite data processing utilities such as DBeaver.
10 min
Beginner Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity
Install the Platform Data Driver for Apple MAC
Connecting your favourite data access utilities to the Platform is a key requirement. The training provided here will guide you through how to download the Platform Data Driver for Apple MAC OS and demonstrate how to connect to a Platform Warehouse.
5 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity Google Cloud Platform
Connecting your PowerBI software to your Platform Warehouse
PowerBI is a major player in the Data analytics world and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your PowerBI software and demonstrates how to verify that the connection is available for report/dashboard building.
3 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Actian DataConnect v12: A summary of new user interface features added into Actian DataConnect v12
During this course we demonstrate the new user interface features which are available within Actian DataConnect v12.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
How to: Install Zen Core on iOS for Development​
In this course we provide you with a step by step guide for installing Zen Core on iOS for Development​.
4 min
Zen Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Administration
Database User Tools
Within this course we provide an overview of the Database user tools available for use with Actian Ingres. Command line tools, character based tools and GUI application development tools are all introduced during this course.
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect
Actian DataConnect v12: Automatic Mapping Transformer
During this course we demonstrate how to configure and use the Automatic Mapping Transformer functionality within Actian DataConnect v12.
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian DataConnect v12: RabbitMQ
During this course we aim to provide you with guidance for the new RabbitMQ Queue Step which has been added into Actian DataConnect v12
12 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian Avalanche - Getting Started
Getting started with Actian Avalanche introduces you to the new Actian Avalanche user interface.
7 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Getting Started
Introduction to the Platform Warehouse Monitoring Interface
In this video we provide you with a tour of our Actian Data Platform Warehouse monitoring interface. The Platform Warehouse Monitoring console presents service statistics about active queries, connected sessions, disk usage and more.
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Install Actian Zen into Linux
In this short lesson you are guided through the process of installing Actian Zen into a Linux environment.
2 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product
Actian Zen Control Center: Export and Import table data
In this course we provide you with a step by step guide for exporting and importing data from Zen tables
4 min
Zen Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Installing Actian Director
This video demonstrates how to install Actian Director and also introduces the Actian Director GUI.​
4 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Operational Database Product Administration
How to: patch an Actian Zen Installation for Windows OS
In this course you will learn how to patch an Actian Zen installation for Windows OS
3 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Install, License and Backup
Actian DataConnect v12: Migrate to newer version of SQL Server connector
During this course we demonstrate the Connector Migration Wizard functionality now available within Actian DataConnect v12.
15 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian Zen Control Center : Create a Database Table
In this lesson you will be guided through the process for creating a database table via the Zen Control Center
4 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Connect Actian DataConnect to an Avalanche Warehouse
Learn how to connect Actian DataConnect to an Avalanche Warehouse
6 min
Beginner Developer Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product Third Party Tools
Data Integration: Salesforce to an Actian Data Platform Warehouse on GCP
This course will guide through the process of creating an integration within Actian Data Platform to seamlessly transfer data from Salesforce into a Platform Warehouse on the Google Cloud Platform.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Machine Learning UDF's in Actian Data Platform and Vector
One of Actian's machine learning experts talks through how she has developed machine learning UDF's for Vector and Actian Data Platform Warehouses.
23 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Analytics Google Cloud Platform
Actian DataConnect v12: Introduction to Data Profiler
During this course we aim to provide you with an introduction to the Data Profiler functionality now available for Actian DataConnect v12
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian DataConnect v12: Zip Aggregator
During this course we aim to provide you with an introduction to the Zip Aggregator functionality now available for Actian DataConnect v12
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Use Microsoft Excel application to Access a Zen database using ODBC connectivity.
In this video you will learn how to use Microsoft Excel application to Access a Zen database using ODBC connectivity.​
4 min
Zen Beginner Administrator Business User Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product
VWINFO Command in Actian Vector
Here we provide an overview of a few VWINFO command options found in Actian Vector.
5 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Self-Learning Product
Actian DataConnect v12: Target Connector Changes
During this course we aim to provide you with guidance for the Target Connector changes which have been implemented within Actian DataConnect v12
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Loading data into an Actian Vector 6.0 database using the VWLOAD command.
During this course we demonstrate how to load data from your local environment into an Actian Vector 6.0 Database using the VWLOAD command.
3 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Data Ingestion
Overview of using an ​Avalanche Data Loading Template
In this video we provide an overview of the steps required to implement a pre-defined data loading template for loading data into an Avalanche Warehouse.
3 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration
Actian Zen Control Center : Monitor
In this course you will learn how to monitor your Actian Zen installation via the Zen Control Center
9 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Actian Avalanche Administration - Certificate
Claim your Avalanche Administration Certificate of Completion
2 min
Actian Zen Control Center: Defragment Actian Zen Data Files
In this course we provide you with a step by step guide for defragmenting Actian Zen data files
6 min
Zen Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Control Center
Actian Zen Control Center Overview
In this lesson we provide an overview of the Actian Zen Control Center user interface.
3 min
Zen Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
Download and Install the Actian Data Platform Command Line Interface (CLI) for Windows.
Follow this guide to learn how to download and install the Actian Command Line Interface (CLI) for Windows, and how to connect to a Platform Warehouse. This tool enables you to interactively enter, edit and execute individual queries or files containing queries.
3 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity Google Cloud Platform Data Scientist
Install the Actian Zen Reporting Engine into Windows
In this short lesson you are guided through the process of installing the Actian Zen Report Engine into a Windows environment.
4 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product
Common Licensing Issues for Actian Zen
During this video we go through a number of common licensing issues experienced by customers and provide guidance for how to overcome those issues.
15 min
Zen Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Product
Actian DataConnect v12: Macro List User Interface Changes
During this course we highlight the Macro List usability improvement which have been implemented within Actian DataConnect v12
4 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
How to Install Actian Ingres in Kubernetes using Helm
How to set up an instance of Actian Ingres running in a container (pod) in a Kubernetes cluster using Helm. This includes how to correctly license this instance of Actian Ingres.
17 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Helm 3.5.0 Kubernetes Actian Ingres 11.2
Activate the Actian Zen License file
In this short lesson you are guided through the process of activating the Actian Zen license file
2 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
How to: Install Zen Core on Android for Development​
In this course we provide you with a step by step guide for installing Zen Core on Android for Development​.
4 min
Zen Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Administration
Deploying Actian Ingres into Docker
The latest version of the Actian Ingres Database software can be installed, licensed and run within a Docker Container. In this course we provide the steps required to achieve this.
14 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Product Actian Ingres 11.2 Docker
Actian Ingres ABF - Application Development (self-paced)
This course introduces the ABF development environment and guides delegates through the development of an application using the Actian Visual Forms Editor (Vifred) and Actian/4GL.
8 hr 35 min
Beginner Developer Self-Learning Operational Database Product
Install Actian Zen into Windows
In this short lesson you are guided through the process of installing Actian Zen into a Windows environment.
3 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product
Actian DataConnect v12: JSON Connector Enhancements
During this course we demonstrate the JSON Connector enhancements now available within Actian DataConnect v12.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian DataConnect v12: Mapping Changes
During this course we aim to provide you with guidance for the Mapping changes which have been implemented within Actian DataConnect v12
7 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian Zen Control Center : Rebuild Tool
In this course you will learn how to use Zen Control Center to Rebuild Tool
6 min
Zen Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Advanced Product Zen Control Center
Actian DataConnect v12: Zip Iterator
During this course we aim to provide you with an introduction to the Zip Iterator functionality now available for Actian DataConnect v12
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product Data Scientist
Actian DataConnect v12: What is Data Profiler and how does it work
During this course we aim to provide you with an overview of how to use Data Profiler, Data Profiler Invoker using Process Designer and Data Profiler CLI for Actian DataConnect v12
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
How to capture an Actian Zen SQL Query plan and use the Query Viewer feature.
During this course supported best practice guidance is provided for capturing an Actian Zen SQL Query plan and, utilising the Query Viewer feature to review the efficiency of the SQL query, optimize the query accordingly by applying or fine tuning table indexes.
5 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product Zen Control Center
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Install the Actian Zen Backup Agent for Windows
In this lesson you are guided through the process of installing the Actian Zen Backup Agent within a Windows environment.
2 min
Zen Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Edge Data Management Product
Live Chat - Chat real-time with Actian Experts
Customer Service with Real-Time Live Chat Support! Enriched Customer Service with Real-Time Live Chat Support!
Actian NoSQL: Installation via the GUI Interface
In this course we demonstrate how to install the NoSQL software utilising the Graphical Interface.
9 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL Product
Actian DataConnect Studio (Advanced)
This course provides a deeper dive series of lessons into specific features of Actian DataConnect Studio IDE
73 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
Connect Actian DataConnect to ServiceNow
During this course you will learn how to connect Actian DataConnect to ServiceNow
43 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product Administration
Actian DataConnect: Design Integrations on Premise, Deploy and Run in Actian Data Platform
During this course we aim to provide you with guidance to create an integration with Actian DataConnect v12 on premise and to deploy and run this configuration in Actian Data Platform.
23 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Actian Data Platform Enterprise Data Integration Product AvalancheConnect Google Cloud Platform
Actian DataConnect - upgrade from v10 to v11
A series of videos which guide you through the key areas of note when upgrading from DataConnect version 10 to v11.
3 hr 30 min
Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
Actian Integration Manager (Basics)
This course provides guidance for Actian Integration Manager
27 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
End of Life for Adobe Flash and Actian DataConnect v10
This course provides the information required to migrate your DataConnect projects from v10 to v11 and overcome the Adobe Flash end of life issue
0 hr 34 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
Actian DataConnect Platform Overview
This course provides you with an overview of key Actian DataConnect functionality
32 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Product
Actian DataConnect - upgrade from v9 to v11
An introduction to Actian DataConnect v11 new features and functionality plus an overview on upgrading your Actian DataConnect v9 environment to v11.
3 hr 11 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning DataConnect Enterprise Data Integration Advanced Product
Actian DataFlow for Beginners
This beginners level course guides you through how DataFlow works with KNIME and how to create your first DataFlow workflow.
28 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Enterprise Data Integration DataFlow Product
Process Azure Blob Store data using Actian DataFlow
This course provides a description of the steps required to connect Actian DataFlow to an Azure Blob Store account.
7 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database DataFlow Product
Actian NoSQL: Basic Backup and Restore
In this video you will learn to back up a database using the NoSQL vbackup command, and subsequently restore it.
4 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL
Actian NoSQL: Installation in Console Mode
Shows how to install NoSQL using Command Line Interface (CLI)
6 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL Product
Actian NoSQL: Entity Supplements
This video explains Entity Supplements which are a new feature of Actian NoSQL JPA.
5 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL
Actian NoSQL: Using Custom Identifiers for persistence objects
In this course we demonstrate how to make use of more natural data identifiers (custom identifiers) to identify persistence objects. For example, a social security number (SSN) is a more natural data identifier than using then an identifier provided and managed by Actian NoSQL JPA.
5 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Advanced NoSQL Product
Actian NoSQL: How to use the pkgcore script to collect core-files
How to use the 'pkgcore' script to generate two files that have the dynamic libraries linked correctly when debugging a core file on a computer where the core file was NOT generated.
3 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL Product
Actian NoSQL: Enabling the Client Trace File
In this course learn what a Client Trace File is and how it is implemented.
5 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning NoSQL Product
Introduction to Actian NoSQL Database Management System (self-paced)
This course is aimed at delegates who will be responsible for managing Actian NoSQL installations and databases. It covers all aspects of planning, installing, configuring and managing Actian NoSQL databases. It also covers all aspects of database administration including: managing database objects such as tables, indexes, applications, data integrity, security, backup and recovery.
9 hr 21 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Operational Database NoSQL Product
Actian NoSQL: Installation and use of the Actian NoSQL Operator to manage Actian NoSQL database in Kubernetes
In this course we demonstrate how to install and use the Actian NoSQL Kubernetes Operator to deploy a single server NoSQL Database and fault tolerant NoSQL Database servers.
11 min
Intermediate Self-Learning NoSQL Product Administration
OpenROAD - URLConnection Class - connecting OpenROAD to the outside world!
This video provides you with an overview and examples for the functionality provided via the OpenROAD UrlConnection class.
12 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Configuration (Windows)
The OpenROAD Server software provides utilities which allow for the configuration of OpenROAD Server and the deployment of OpenROAD Applications via JSON-RPC. During this course we will introduce the Visual OpenROAD Server Administrator (VOSA) application and the command line Python script
31 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
ABF2OR - Automated ABF Form to OpenROAD Frame migration
To assist with ABF to OpenROAD Application Modernization and migration projects the ABF2OR OpenROAD Frame Template simplifies and automates the migration of ABF Forms to OpenROAD Frames.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Installation for Windows
During this course you will be guided through the best practice for installing OpenROAD Server for Windows, post installation inspection and testing that requests to the server are being serviced
13 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server JSON-RPC Gatekeeper Installation for Windows
OpenROAD Server provides the ability to service JSON-RPC requests. There are a number of installation and configuration steps to follow in order to have the JSON-RPC Gatekeeper up and running. Follow along with this course to understand what is required.
12 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Actian OpenROAD JSON, JSON-RPC and WebGen functionality.
This course provides three lessons to describe the functionality available within Actian OpenROAD to support the usage of JSON, JSON RPC and the WebGen functionality
130 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Installation for Linux
During this course you will be guided through the best practice for installing OpenROAD Server for Linux, post installation inspection and testing that requests to the server are being serviced
13 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Actian OpenROAD - JSON Generators
This course demonstrates how developers can create OpenROAD Server Procedures as Web Services using the JSON RPC 2.0 interface. Functionality available from OpenROAD version: OpenROAD 6.2 patch 15469
13 min
Intermediate Developer Self-Learning Advanced OpenROAD Operational Database Product
ABFComp2OR Utility - Automate migrating ABF Components to equivalent OpenROAD Components
To assist with ABF to OpenROAD Application Modernization and migration projects the ABFComp2OR utility simplifies the migration of ABF components to equivalent OpenROAD components.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
Incremental Backup
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new Incremental Backup feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
6 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Ingres Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.3
Actian Vector 6.3 Technical Deep Dive
The Vector Engineering Team present and explain the Vector 6.3 features.
118 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Vector 6.3
Actian Vector: Workload Management
This course provides you with insight for the Workload Management (WLM) functionality which is available in Actian Vector 6.2 onwards
24 min
Vector Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Product Administration Vector 6.0
Actian Vector - Inserts, Updates and Deletes
This short informational video provides guidance in relation to adding, modifying and deleting records from Actian Vector
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Vector 6.0
Actian Vector Views
This course provides an overview of the Actian Vector View functionality
7 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Vector 6.0
Remote File System Support for Vector (SMP)
During this video we explain the configuration steps required and usage for remote file support for Vector (SMP) which has been introduced with the release of Vector 6.3.
7 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Product Administration Vector 6.3
Technical Update - Actian Vector and Avalanche
This Actian technical update was recorded 22nd February 2021 and includes a product roadmap review and a customer use case with Paul Firth from the AA.
60 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Technical Update
Spark Vector Connector 3.0
During this course we provide an introduction to the Spark Vector Connector 3.0 and guidance on how to install and configure the Spark-Vector Provider, import and export data using the Spark connector and demonstrate how to use the new staging table feature.
42 min
Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.2
Automatic Table Partitioning
During this course we provide guidance in relation to the implementation of the Vector Automatic Table Partitioning functionality.
6 min
Vector Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Product Administration Vector 6.0
Load and Transform Data into Actian Vector using Actian DataFlow
This short video will demonstrate how to use Actian DataFlow to read data from a CSV file and populate a table in an Actian Vector Database.
14 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Self-Learning Operational Database DataFlow Product
What's new in Actian Vector 6.0
Here we provide an overview of the new features found in Actian Vector 6.0
11 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Vector 6.0
Actian Vector Developer - .NET Connectivity (self-paced)
During this course we will provide developer guidance for using Microsoft .NET technology with an Actian Vector database
33 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
VWLOAD functionality updates
During this video we provide a summary of the updates which have been included within the release of Vector 6.3
5 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Product Data Engineer Vector 6.3
Pattern Matching - SIMILAR_TO
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new SIMILAR_TO pattern matching feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
6 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Vector 6.3
Smart MinMax Index
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new Smart MinMax Index feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
8 min
Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.3
Actian Vector - Joins
This short informational video provides guidance in relation to joining Actian Vector tables
4 min
Vector Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Product Vector 6.0
Using NumPy (Numerical Python) and the handling of NULLS within a Vector User Defined Function (UDF).
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of Python's NumPy functionality and how to handle NULL values within a Vector User Defined Function (UDF).
11 min
Intermediate Developer Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Product Data Science Data Scientist Vector 6.2
Automatic Log Rotation
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new Automatic Log Rotation feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
7 min
Administrator Self-Learning Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.3
Query Result Caching and Spill to Disk
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new Query Result Caching feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.2 and the Spill to Disk feature released in Vector 6.3
9 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Administration Vector 6.3
Database Procedure Exception Handling
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to make use of the new Database Procedure Exception Handling feature introduced with the release of Vector 6.3
7 min
Developer Administrator Self-Learning Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Vector 6.3
Actian Vector - Extending a Database
This video provides you with step by step instructions for adding a new data location to an Actian Vector Database using the ExtendDB functionality.
5 min
Vector Intermediate Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Vector 6.0
What's new in Actian Vector 6.3
Here we provide an overview of the new features found in Actian Vector 6.3
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Data Scientist Vector 6.3
Control Output and Restricting Rows in Actian Vector
Within this course beginners guidance is provided for the functionality available to control what is included in a result set generated by an SQL statement against an Actian Vector database
11 min
Vector Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product Vector 6.0
Create a Platform Warehouse
To store your data you are going to need a Warehouse. This training provides you with a step by step guide for creating a Warehouse along with providing guidance for setting up who is able to connect to the Warehouse.
4 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Connecting DBeaver to your Platform Warehouse
For those who like to craft and execute SQL commands an SQL utility such as DBeaver is a must have tool. DBeaver is a very popular SQL utility across the data processing community. This training provides step by step instructions for connecting DBeaver to one or more Platform Warehouses.
4 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Google Cloud Platform
Install the Actian Data Platform JDBC Data Driver for WINDOWS
Connecting your favourite data access utilities to the Platform is a key requirement. The training provided here will guide you through how to download the Platform JDBC Data Driver and demonstrate how to connect to a Platform Warehouse.
2 min
Beginner Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity Google Cloud Platform
Using the 'dbload' utility to load data from text files into database tables.
During this training we demonstrate how to use the 'dbload' command line utility to load data, which is stored in a text file(s) into a OneDB database table(s)
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Using the 'onsmsync' utility for backup and restore purposes of a OneDB / HCL Informix database
During this video we demonstrate how to use the 'onsmsync' utility for backup and restore purposes of a OneDB / HCL Informix database.
14 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
OneDB Database server deployment using Helm Charts
During this video we provide a demonstration of how to deploy the OneDB Database Server using Helm Charts
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product Helm 4.27 OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Setting up a standalone Remote Secondary Server (RSS).
OneDB database software can be customized to create systems that provide uninterrupted services, minimize maintenance and downtime, and distribute both processing and storage across hardware.. During this training we provide a demonstration for how to set up a Remote standalone Secondary Server (RSS) for the first time using the 'ontape' Backup and Restore utility.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix High Availability
How to collect OneDB / HCL Informix Diagnostic Information using the ifxcollect utility
During this video we provide a demonstration for how to collect OneDB / HCL Informix Diagnostic Information using the ifxcollect utility.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Confirming Client Connectivity to a OneDB Database Instance
During this video we demonstrate how to confirm that your client side computer is able to connect to a OneDB Database Instance.
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Operational Database Product Data Scientist Data Engineer OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Auditing database activity with the 'onaudit' and 'onshowaudit' utilities.
Use these two auditing utilities to audit user activity within a OneDB database. Auditing creates a record of selected activities that users perform. An audit administrator who analyzes the audit trail can use these records to identify any unusual activity such as detecting unusual or suspicious user actions and identify the specific users who performed those actions.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Monitoring: Identify Users Holding Locks
During this video we provide a demonstration for how to Identify users who are holding locks on tables within the database.
3 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
How to create an encrypted dbspace for OneDB or HCL Informix server.
During this video we demonstrate how to create an encrypted dbspace within an existing OneDB or HCL Informix server.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Types of Backup & Restore available for HCL Informix and OneDB
During this video we provide operational information for the different backup and restore mechanisms available for HCL Informix and OneDB.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Manually creating a OneDB Instance with minimum configuration parameters
During this video we demonstrate how to create a OneDB Instance with minimum configuration after the OneDB binaries have been installed.
6 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Using the DbSchema, DbExport and DbImport database utilities.
During this video we demonstrate how to use these three OneDB database utilities. The command usage and resulting outputs are demonstrated for each command.
10 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Installation of the OneDB Explore software and the configuration of the graphical user interface (GUI)
During this video we will demonstrate how to install OneDB explorer software, gain access to the graphical user interface (GUI) and troubleshoot the software if unable to configure.
5 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product Administration OneDB OneDB HCL Informix explore
Using the High Performance Loader to load and unload data from a OneDB Database.
During this training we demonstrate how to use the High Performance Loader command line utilities to load and unload data from a OneDB database.
9 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Actian Data Platform - Getting Started
Get to know the Actian Data Platform and the features it provides to our customers in this short training video.
10 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Connecting Looker to your Platform Warehouse
Looker is a major player in the Data analytics world and that is not overlooked here. This training provides the steps required to connect your Platform Warehouse to your Looker software and demonstrate how to verify that the connection is utilised within Looker to build out Looker dashboards.
3 min
Developer Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Third Party Tools Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Managing the Warehouse IP Allow List
Security is a top priority for Actian Data Platform and restricting the connections to a Warehouse is one of the security measures in place. Follow this training to understand how to the IP Allow List for your Warehouse(s).
3 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Building Machine Learning Models
The training provided within this course provides you with insight for the native Platform Warehouse data processing SQL functions, how to achieve feature encoding and how to create datasets for training and testing your Machine Learning Model using SQL.
43 min
Intermediate Beginner Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Deploying Machine Learning Models
This training provided via this course provides you with an introduction to User Defined Functions (UDF) for deploying your Machine Learning Models into a Platform Warehouse production environment.
32 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Install the Platform ODBC Data Driver for Windows
Connecting your favourite data access utilities to the Platform is a key requirement. The training provided here will guide you through how to download the Platform ODBC Data Driver and demonstrate how to connect to a Platform Warehouse.
7 min
Beginner Administrator Business User Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Connectivity Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Monitoring
This course provides you with the knowledge on Actian Data Platform data drivers, connection parameters and making use of the Platform Query Editor
37 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Actian Data Platform: Getting Started (self-paced)
Actian Data Platform is a Cloud Based Data Platform which is administered from the native web browser based user interface. In this course a guided tour of the user interface is provided highlighting the native functionality available. Create a Warehouse, add IP to the allow list of IP and use the native Query Editor tool to access your data.
78 min
Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Platform User Administration
This video illustrates the process of managing platform user records within the Actian Data Platform. It covers tasks such as creating new platform user records and assigning the appropriate privileges to these user records.
8 min
Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Connectivity v2.0 (self-paced)
To harness the capabilities of an Actian Data Platform Warehouse and thoroughly explore the data it holds, business users must be able to connect to it through their familiar analytical applications. This course equips you with comprehensive knowledge on establishing connectivity for business users. This includes tasks such as managing a trusted list of IPs, creating user accounts, and configuring connection string parameters.
68 min
Security: Create a Platform Warehouse Native User account
Refer to this guide for step-by-step instructions on creating a native user account for an Actian Data Platform Warehouse.
6 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Elementary Actian SQL (self-paced)
This course provides a newcomer to Actian SQL with elementary knowledge required to begin using an Actian Data Cloud Warehouse in a best practice fashion. Included in the course is content covering high-level warehouse concepts, database schema, creating and maintaining tables, loading data from a Cloud store and an introduction to the Actian SQL Syntax and inbuilt functionality.
163 min
Beginner Developer Business User Self-Learning Actian Ingres Product Data Scientist Data Engineer Architect
Security: Remove a native user and schema from a Platform Warehouse
Follow this guide for step-by-step instructions for removing a native user and associated schema from an Actian Data Platform Warehouse.
3 min
Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Advanced Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Using the 'oncheck' utility to check system catalog tables
During this training we demonstrate how to use the 'oncheck' command line utility to provide information for database tables, columns, indexes, views, constraints, stored procedures and privileges from the database system catalog tables.
4 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Operational Database Product OneDB OneDB HCL Informix
Actian Data Platform Warehouse Scaling
This course provides you with the knowledge required to manually and schedule the scaling of your Actian Data Platform Warehouse.
7 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: CLI Data Ingestion v2.0 (self-paced)
In addition to offering rich browser-based native data ingestion capabilities, Actian Data Platform includes functionality executed through the command line to facilitate batch data loading. This course comprehensively explores the various functionalities at your disposal for loading data into a Platform Warehouse using command line operations.
110 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Data Ingestion Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Getting Started (self-paced)
Actian Data Platform is a Cloud Based Data Platform which is administered from the native web browser based user interface. In this course a guided tour of the user interface is provided highlighting the native functionality available. Create a Warehouse, add IP to the allow list of IP and use the native Query Editor tool to access your data.
78 min
Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Getting Started Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Native Data Ingestion v2.0 (self-paced)
Actian Data Platform provides - out of the box - native data ingestion functionality to facilitate the ease of loading data into an Actian Data Platform Warehouse(s). Features include the desktop data loader for ad hoc data loading from a local computer and Actian Data Platform Connect for continuous data integration from disparate sources. All functionality is accessible via the Actian Data Platform Console
59 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Data Ingestion Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Schema Design v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore Data Organization. Learn how data is stored in tables and how to create, partition, define column data types, and implement constraints within a user's schema.
70 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Product Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Security v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore the robust native data security solutions offered by the Platform Warehouse, customized to meet your organization's needs. This course covers user management, table data access control, data masking, and data-at-rest encryption.
70 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Administration
Actian Platform Warehouse: Data Manipulation v2.0 (self-paced)
Explore best practices for updating data within Platform Warehouse tables, optimizing query performance with statistics, and leveraging inbuilt query execution plans to ensure efficient queries.
112 min
Intermediate Beginner Administrator Self-Learning Actian Data Platform Administration Google Cloud Platform
Actian Data Platform: Connectivity v2.0 (self-paced)
To harness the capabilities of an Actian Data Platform Warehouse and thoroughly explore the data it holds, business users must be able to connect to it through their familiar analytical applications. This course equips you with comprehensive knowledge on establishing connectivity for business users. This includes tasks such as managing a trusted list of IPs, creating user accounts, and configuring connection string parameters.
68 min
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Deploying Machine Learning Models
This training provided via this course provides you with an introduction to User Defined Functions (UDF) for deploying your Machine Learning Models into a Platform Warehouse production environment.
32 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Monitoring
This course provides you with the knowledge on Actian Data Platform data drivers, connection parameters and making use of the Platform Query Editor
37 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Building Machine Learning Models
The training provided within this course provides you with insight for the native Platform Warehouse data processing SQL functions, how to achieve feature encoding and how to create datasets for training and testing your Machine Learning Model using SQL.
43 min
Intermediate Beginner Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
Actian Data Platform for Data Scientists: Data Preparation
The training provided within this course provides you with knowledge for the various native Platform capabilities to ingest, clean and transform data and access it all in a single data platform.
158 min
Intermediate Business User Self-Learning Learning Path Actian Data Platform Google Cloud Platform Data Science Data Scientist
OpenROAD Server JSON-RPC Gatekeeper Installation for Windows
OpenROAD Server provides the ability to service JSON-RPC requests. There are a number of installation and configuration steps to follow in order to have the JSON-RPC Gatekeeper up and running. Follow along with this course to understand what is required.
12 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Installation for Windows
During this course you will be guided through the best practice for installing OpenROAD Server for Windows, post installation inspection and testing that requests to the server are being serviced
13 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Configuration (Windows)
The OpenROAD Server software provides utilities which allow for the configuration of OpenROAD Server and the deployment of OpenROAD Applications via JSON-RPC. During this course we will introduce the Visual OpenROAD Server Administrator (VOSA) application and the command line Python script
31 min
Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product
OpenROAD Server Installation for Linux
During this course you will be guided through the best practice for installing OpenROAD Server for Linux, post installation inspection and testing that requests to the server are being serviced
13 min
Intermediate Beginner Developer Administrator Self-Learning OpenROAD Operational Database Product